Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Together Forever

Together Forever. It is honestly such a blessing to be sealed to Tyler and Trajan. June 4th, 2015 is definitely one of my top favorite three days of my life. If I could go back and record most of that day I would. It's amazing the day we got married I got my hair down and someone did my make up, and had a wedding dress on, I felt pretty. However, the day we went to the temple, I honestly never felt so beautiful in my life. And I'm not saying Tyler doesn't make me feel beautiful because he does everyday, but there was just something different about that day. It was just special.

 The past year has made me realize how important it is to be sealed from the get go. I'm so grateful it was God's will we made it to the temple. From the beginning it seemed that a year was forever away, but when the day came it felt like the year had flown by. However, I don't want someone to look at us and see we turned out great, because we are extremely blessed. I think sometimes repentance seems like it changes us instantly, and sometimes that is the case. But sometimes it's hard. It should be. It requires a change of the heart. We got to the temple in a year. For us that's an accomplishment. But from the beginning, that was our goal. There was no other option for us. We knew we were going to get to the temple. Whether it was going to be a year or longer that was the road for us.

Our situation is not the ideal way, and I really hope our children never take that way. But what a gift the atonement is. While our decision did dictate the rest of life with the most precious gift ever, it did not dictate our salvation. I guess if i ever wanted someone to get something from this it's the importance of being married in the temple immediately. And for those to take time to realize what a blessing it is to be sealed for all time and eternity. There were times where I would cry because it was a possibility to lose Tyler and/or Trajan before we got to the temple. It was heartbreaking. I also don't want anyone to say or think that because we made it and made it look easy that this whole process was easy. It wasn't. But I am ever grateful for the atonement, the process to change, opportunity to go to the temple and be sealed. It was a hard year, but so rewarding in the end.