Saturday, October 31, 2015


Halloween (besides Christmas) is one of my favorite holidays. I love decorating for it, carving pumpkins, and haunted houses. And lets not forget all the pumpkin food, am I right?! I've loved Halloween since I was a kid, and I won't lie, I went trick or treating until I was 17. Was that too old? No. No it was not. Good thing I got to use Trajan as my excuse to go this year. As we were about to trick-or-treating Tyler thought we were only going to go for like 10 minutes. Boy was he wrong! I specifically held off on buying any candy because we were going to take Trajan trick-or-treating. Why buy when you can trick-or-treat!

We started the day pretty relaxed because Tyler had to take a test this morning. Once he got home we had spooghetti for lunch.. Trajan was REALLY excited about the dyed spaghetti noodles. After lunch we carved pumpkins. Trajan had a blast trying to lift his pumpkin. However, he would not touch the guts.

I REALLY wanted Trajan to be a shark this year. I thought it would be SO cute. But soooo many people told me Trajan looked like jack-jack and I couldn't pass that up. He's the perfect age and he does look like jack-jack's doppleganger. So we were (the out of shape) Incredibles. We got a lot of compliments when trick-or-treating. We went during his nap time, so we only went for about a half an hour, and he looks so groggy. Still worth it!

Besides all the fun Halloween brings its a special day for us because it was the day Tyler and I met. I remember walking into the vantage office debating whether or not to do summer sales again. All I remember seeing was this really HOT guy. Like, he was soooo hot! He also had a great personality, (I'm not that shallow). I remember how easy it was to talk with him, and how much we had in common. Looking back I'm really glad I entertained the idea of summer sales. I really don't think there is anyone else that can relate to me as much as he can. Sappy, but who cares? I don't because I got to fall in love with that super hot guy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fall Fun

Earlier this year Tyler bought us season tickets to Cornbelly's. We did plan on going a lot but between school, work, and illnesses we have just been too busy. However, we got to go tonight and it was pretty fun! We rode the bull, got some hot chocolate, shot some paintball guns, and made it through the maze in 20 minutes. Trajan was so cute in his puffy jacket. It's probably too big for him, but at least he stayed warm.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to a pumpkin patch in Payson. It was a cute little farm. Trajan didn't take a super long nap before we went so he was pretty stone faced the entire time, except for when he was trying to eat dirt. It wasn't too hot or too cold (but for us there really isn't too cold). We had fun and picked out two pumpkins and were obviously those annoying parents who set our kid down for every possible photo op.
Look at those two! Cute, right?

Enjoying the hayride

 He was eating dirt... he may not look a lot like me but at least now I know he wasn't switched at the hospital ;). I ate dirt a ton as a kid and craved it throughout my pregnancy.