Monday, January 5, 2015


Well here I am trying to blog one more time. I figured maybe this time I will be better at it considering I want to remember every moment with Trajan and I never want him to grow up. So here is my 10,000th attempt at blogging. I probably won't be very good at this, but hopefully through out the year I will get better at this or personal journaling. At least that's my New Year's resolution. 

Just a little bit about our blog name. When Tyler and I met, we really connected because we both knew spanish (maybe it's more like he knows spanish and I just look hispanic and can fight my way through a conversation). He served his mission in Guatemala and I have been taking spanish classes at BYU and did a study abroad in Spain. Anyways, when we dated I was taking Spanish 321 (the class all Returned missionaries take) at BYU and I swear Tyler is the only reason I passed that class (and received a good grade). Spanish was a big part during our courtship. We don't speak spanish to each other everyday now but we still use it. 

Anyways, this blog tells about some highlights about our life. *It might contain a lot of baby pictures just an FYI.* 

It also took me almost an hour to type this. #momlife 

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