Monday, December 21, 2015

Trajan's Birthday

Trajan's personality/accomplishments his first year:
Trajan can say mama, dada, bubba.
He can wave and blow kisses.
He LOVES music. He bangs on things constantly.
He walks like he owns the place.
He is constantly climbing on furniture and boxes.
Everything goes into his mouth.
He loves to laugh and smile.
Right now he has 4 teeth but has two more coming in.
He likes to mimic noises.
He likes to pretend read books but doesn't ever let you finish reading.

I can't believe Trajan is 1! The first year has flown by. He has developed such a cute personality and I am so thankful I get to be his mom. He has taught me so much about myself and the atonement.  I never knew how deep love could run until I had him. I've had more love for Tyler and Trajan. I just love my lil dude. He's kept me on my toes ever since he was born and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We did his 1st birthday party when my MIL was in town so she could be a part of it. He loved all the gifts he got and especially loved his cake. My mom sent some decorations and my MIL helped with the food. We had a lumberjack theme and honestly it was the most fun/stressful thing putting it altogether. Probably because finals started 2 days after his party. Worth it.

On his actual birthday we took him to Cabela's. They have a stuffed animal section and a little aquarium area. He loved the animals, hated the fish. At the end of our trip we got him a stuffed deer. It wasn't a big outing but he LOVED it. He kept pointing at all the stuffed animals. Afterwards we treated ourselves Trajan to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and we all enjoyed an apple and a rice krispie treat. 

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