Thursday, April 7, 2016

Life in Texas

I'm a terrible blogger. It probably stems from I don't like the way I write. But that should be motivation, but it's not. ANYWAYS, Texas is great. I love it here. It honestly feels like home for me. But I've always been a wanderer, and can make any place home. Everything has fallen into place for us here and it's been a big blessing for us in many ways. So moral of this, I like Texas. It's way better than I imagined, and if we ever have to leave, I'm going to cry.

Things have really changed for us! As in, we  have a "grown up" life now. NO MORE SCHOOL! Never thought I'd say that. Yes, we both graduated! I should have posted about that. Oops. But since we don't have homework,  I ran a 5k a few weeks ago. IT WAS AMAZING! I got into running after I came home from Spain but never did a race. Mostly because 3.2 miles seemed like forever. Growing up, I was that kid in school who hated running the mile. And 3.2 miles seemed to be half way around the world! Joking, but shows how much I hated it. But I signed up and actually ran! I trained because my mile time was (embarrassingly) at 16 minutes. That's what knee surgery and a baby will do to you. But my fastest mile time was 11:45!!!!  I'll be running more races now. Or you know, just keep up with my habit of running. And surprisingly 3.2 miles turned out to be NOTHING.

My 5k was the same weekend as Easter. We currently don't have any family in Dallas (but that changes this summer!!), so for Easter a girl in our ward put together a dinner with a few other families in the ward. Dinner was delicious and socializing is always fun, and who doesn't like to have minimal mess to clean up in the kitchen. We did easter eggs with Trajan the day before. What a nightmare! I know we do it for the memories, but we're renting and that dye does not come out of anything! Trajan just wanted to throw the eggs in the buckets, which means lots of dye water flying everywhere. It was a high anxiety filled afternoon.
I think that's it. If anything else happens, I'll probably post about it, in you know, 6 months down the road. 

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